Euthanasia- Live as well as Die with Honor

Euthanasia means “Good Death“. It is also called as “Mercy Killing”. An ill patient or a disabled can peacefully end up his/her life as living means “dying each day” for them. The reason why Euthanasia exists is because a person can live as well as die with honor. Thus the basic reason behind Euthanasia is to ensure a less dreadful death for someone who is ultimately going to die after a long period of torture. Every person in this world has a right to decide when their life should end.

Doctor’s point of view towards Euthanasia 
Doctors are against Euthanasia because a Doctor's job is to save a life even though the odds are low.

Sometimes it is not clear if an ill person really wants to die. Euthanasia should only take place if the patient really wants it or if they completely understand about their condition.

Euthanasia and Suicide
In case of suicide one kills himself/herself intentionally. It may be because of  many reasons like failure in examinations, depression, frustration in love etc.

Whereas on the other hand, in Euthanasia, a third person is involved i.e. he gives a lift in Killing of another person as they decide not to live.

Assisted suicide is an act which deliberately helps another person to commit suicide by providing him with the means to do so. And it is a known as ‘physician assisted suicide’ when it's a doctor who helps the patient to end his/her life.
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